By Cheryl Knight
Buying a house is a life-changing process that requires lots of upfront financial planning.
By Cheryl Knight
Buying a house is a life-changing process that requires lots of upfront financial planning.
Analysts are expecting even higher home prices in 2018 than originally projected, according to new research.
The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) worked throughout the tax reform process to preserve the existing tax benefits of homeownership and real estate investment, as well to ensure as many real estate professionals as possible would benefit from proposed tax cuts. Many of the changes reflected in the final bill were the result of the engagement of NAR and its members, not only in the last three months, but over several years.
Procrastination can plague anyone; from students to parents. Winter doesn't help, as the cold whether has many wanting to curl up and hibernate. However, being cooped up in the house can be one of your best opportunities to make some improvements to your home so it can be ready to sell come spring.
Commentary by Mark Mathis
As a real estate agent, you know a steady stream of leads is the only way to keep your business moving; however, many agents shy away from rental leads because they believe they aren’t worth the time or investment. The only tool that allows you to timestamp the lifecycle of a customer, rental leads can be a great way to increase your client list. The best part about rental leads is that most agents aren’t focusing on them, so it opens a new, untapped market. If you put these tips to the test and find your business thriving, you may have found your niche.
By Megan Wild
There's a reason that spring and summer are the major seasons for selling houses. Most people want to move at a time that allows them to be settled by the fall, when kids go back to school and daylight shortens.
What’s that smell? The sense of smell is the strongest of all the senses to connect buyers to a home. While a bad smell can really deter buyers, a good smell can tempt buyers to a sale. From “green” scents to seasonal scents, discover the right smells for triggering positive emotions and home sales.
Twenty-four percent of home contractors recently surveyed by American Home Shield (AHS) reported Thanksgiving as the busiest holiday season for repairs and service. Get ahead of home maintenance with these tips from AHS:
“ALWAYS VERIFY wire instructions, specifically the ABA routing number and account number, by calling the party who sent the instructions to you. DO NOT use the phone number provided in the email containing the instructions, use phone numbers you have called before or can otherwise verify. Obtain the number of your Realtor®, Real Estate Broker and your escrow officer as soon as an escrow account is opened. DO NOT send an email to verify as the email address may be incorrect or the email may be intercepted by the fraudster,” Susan Wehrle, Vice President of Select Title Group said.
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